Senior Center Dolls
Last Monday when I walked into the Senior Center, They told me they had raffled off my dolls. Since they had an Ice Cream Social as a fund raiser the day I brought them in, the director raffled them off. They were there only three hours and they managed to make a little over hundred dollars with them.
Darla the director said they were very well received.
I have been working on finishing the back bedroom so that I can play in my studio without feeling guilty. This was because I decided to find the turkey roaster and holiday stuff that was stored in there someplace.
It has only taken me five years to decide what to do with the extra bedroom other than storage. Now everything has been moved into studio so I cannot play until the work is done. It is amazing how temporary storage can get to turn into a warehouse for all kinds of stuff. The hard part is deciding what to keep and where to get rid of the rest. What was I thinking??
I am still trying to find my camera so that I can take pictures. I have been looking at new ones, but cannot make up my mind. I sure can give lessons on procrastination. Anybody??
8 Ball Quick Fire Pool
11 years ago