Life sure gets in the way. Too many things have been getting in the way of playing dolls and crafts.
In May I went to CIFI Conference in Albuquerque. This is an online doll group that I belong to. Creations in Fibre.Inc. I had a three day class with Arley Berryhill, a very extraordinary designer.To learn more see his website. The class that I took was titled Masked Ball, an original pattern designed by Arley. She is of no particular period in time, just having fun at a masked ball. He took us through how to make a really full skirted doll with layers of fabrics. How to embellish the costume and How to make a really tall mohair wig. Then we had a class on how to make a tiny mask-very elegant creation and how to do extreme makeup. Waiting for pictures will post a when I get them.
I had a class by Donna Cole on cloth origami kimones. What fun. Here is a picture of the one I made. I have since made several more and used them to say Birthday wishes to friends.
I also had a craft class with Yvonne Nathanson on using molds and tyvek and embellishing to make some wonderful art pins to wear. These sure are conversation pieces. Here is a photo of two that I made.
These are really a lot of fun to wear. No two are alike as the tyvek has a mind of its own and you have to play with what happens to it.
This was a great conference where we get to see eachother once a year and learn new things.
My yard has just been beaurtiful; with all of the cacti that have bloomed. I do have pictures, but not sure where I filed them. I am trying to get organized, but like YODA says "Do or do not there is no try." Here is a picture of my Texas ranger in bloom , not a cactus but very pretty.