Friday, October 23, 2009

CIFI Scholarship Dolls

To help raise monies for a scholarship to CIFI Doll Conference in May 2010, I made these two dolls, that will be auctioned at Mary Tressler designed the pattern to be made into a dessert. No directions for a costume, she left that up to the dollmaker. I came up with one that is a three berry pie. She sits in the middle of the pie and her skirt covers the pincushion, made of individual berries. She is holding a strawberry embellished with seed beads.
The other one is a Blackbird Pie. She sits in the middle of Four and Twenty Blackbirds. Lift her off the pie and the birds are finger puppets. There are recipies for Blackbird Pie that I found on the internet. Don't know that I will try any though. This little gal ought to be a fun treasure for Grandma to keep for when Little Ones come to visit.
I am working on the front yard, trying to get my cacti organized. will take pictures a bit later.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall is here

The days have gotten shorter and cooler. Life just got in the way of keeping up with postings. I made a few dolls, did some art work, and loafed away the summer. I entered a doll in Treasures of Gypsy Challenge in Houston. Her name is Irisha Pennie meaning Rainbow Weaver.
She is my original pattern. Irisha Pennie was enchanted by her God Mothers with Happiness and Happy Thoughts and Pearls of Wisdom. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
When Irisha followed the family tradition of weaving cloth, she put a happy thought and pearls of wisdom with a sprinkle of that perfume with each piece of fabric she made.
I have been changing things around in the yard. Nothing major, just repotting cactus, and rearranging containers., deciding what to do with all of the stuff I had been collecting for projects. I did make a shade structure for some of the babies. I had this old wooden reel that the boys used as a flat surface in the garage. All it did was collect stuff. I cleared out the garage and rolled it outside. I needed help to load it into the truck to take to the dump, so it just sat. I decided that it would make a nice place for my plants. I made a roof for it using shadecloth so the rain water the babies. I had baskets of broken china for doing a someday project. I mosaiced a couple of table tops for outside use. Will post pictures later.