Friday, October 23, 2009

CIFI Scholarship Dolls

To help raise monies for a scholarship to CIFI Doll Conference in May 2010, I made these two dolls, that will be auctioned at Mary Tressler designed the pattern to be made into a dessert. No directions for a costume, she left that up to the dollmaker. I came up with one that is a three berry pie. She sits in the middle of the pie and her skirt covers the pincushion, made of individual berries. She is holding a strawberry embellished with seed beads.
The other one is a Blackbird Pie. She sits in the middle of Four and Twenty Blackbirds. Lift her off the pie and the birds are finger puppets. There are recipies for Blackbird Pie that I found on the internet. Don't know that I will try any though. This little gal ought to be a fun treasure for Grandma to keep for when Little Ones come to visit.
I am working on the front yard, trying to get my cacti organized. will take pictures a bit later.