Our Local Bar the Ocotillo Lodge is sponsoring a car show this weekend. I dressed the mannequin in a pink circle skirt, decorated with an aqua blue poodle, of course crinolines, aqua angora sweater and saddle shoes. Straight from high school days of the fifties. I forgot to take a picture before I brought her in. So only a close up shot in the crowded bar is all I have. I have been taking an online class on how to do beaded headresses. So far all I have done is read the lesson, and order the supplies. Christmas descorations are down and the house sure looks bare. The weather is so great that it is hard to stay inside. I have been repotting some of the cacti that have gotten too big for their pots. Here is a picture of one that is in bloom .I forgot the name of this caxctus, I have to look it up, but it is blooming in January.